Sustainability communication: no need for green clichés.

Use of resource-saving materials, carbon-neutral manufacture of product lines, quality made in Germany and exclusive reliance on green electricity: for Schneider, sustainability is a journey rather than a destination. Just another trend? Absolutely not. We call it acting out of conviction: #theschneiderway

Sustainable communication – also available without clichés

Search for the term “sustainability” and you’ll quickly find pictures of lush green meadows accompanied by hollow statements about protecting the environment. We took a different path for Schneider. Why? Because they can. Domestic production, resource-saving materials, use of green electricity, numerous certifications such as the “Blaue Engel”: we let Schneider’s commitment speak for itself. Facts instead of empty phrases. Real product benefits rather than stock photographs.

Supporting Schneider: ClimatePartner

Who is better placed to assess climate action than genuine experts? That’s why we are continuing our storytelling approach by letting Laura Müller talk about Schneider’s sustainable product lines. She explains why, as a key account manager at ClimatePartner, she supports Schneider’s products – in a manner that is authentic, likeable and treats the reader as an equal.