Space for humans and machines: the website.

The digital space is Aleph Alpha’s natural habitat. This is one of the reasons why transformation, collaboration and transparency are important elements of the brand identity. Consequently, the website becomes the central touchpoint that makes AI technology accessible and tangible.

Lines as a design element

An AI is fed with input and delivers output as a result. This input-output principle has been visually transferred to the website: headlines are set off by a thick line that corresponds to the input. The output is delivered in the subsequent text, which is concluded with a fine line. This visually structures the content on the website.

Luminous accents

The website’s color scheme is very subdued, which is why the interaction elements stand out in a strong neon tone. When users move through the pages, e.g. click on something, move the cursor over a link or an image, these moments of interaction are highlighted in a striking and unmistakable way.

Clear structure

Clear structure

Large header area, screen-friendly text lengths, clear page structure: The individual subpages of the website focus on core content that is presented in a clearly structured way. This provides users with the most important information about AI as a technology, the extensive partner network and the company Aleph Alpha itself, among other things.

To the website

Blog & News

Blog & News

Innovation and progress as well as scientific research are essential for Aleph Alpha. That is why these topics are given a generous section on the website for news and blog posts. Those interested in technology will find the latest news and extensive information on the topic of AI, including links to relevant articles and studies: clear, factual and scientifically sound.

Focus on people

Focus on people

Aleph Alpha is always on the lookout for ambitious people who are ready to shape the future of artificial intelligence. That’s why it was already clear when designing the website that the recruiting section is of great importance. Insights into the company ensure transparency, while portraits of real employees provide authenticity.