Four vocational schools. One strong brand.
Remedical therapists take care of people with disabilities. Four vocational schools for a social care education of the Barmherzige Brüder have come together to reach potential applicants for this profession even better under the umbrella of a common education brand. We provided the strategic direction and concrete communication measures for this.
Education brand
The four vocational schools in Reichenbach, Straubing, Gremsdorf and Tegernheim now address their target group with the same language: united under the common education brand Herzenssache Inklusion, which is based on the umbrella brand of the Barmherzige Brüder. The appearance is meant to inspire – with closeness, well-founded know-how and the passion for the profession that can be felt everywhere. This feeling of always being able to remain true to yourself is summed up in the slogan: “Because it’s nice to be yourself”.
Whether it’s a flyer at the trade fair stand, an Instagram post or an ad on the bus: no matter from where you come, on the website you will find all the important facts in a bundled form. Here you can find further information about the apprenticeship and the individual vocational schools as well as valuable insights into everyday professional life. In addition, there is also an interactive element: individual questions can be asked, which are answered by the teachers of the vocational schools. This is how communication works at eye level.
Image film
What do you do during your apprenticeship as a social care worker? What is the joy of the profession? Why is it challenging? Within the framework of an image film designed by us, young people have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of future social care workers. The idea: during a filming session, real personalities answer questions on the spot – authentically, sympathetically and convinced of their profession. In this way, they themselves become active ambassadors for the education brand Herzssache Inklusion.
Photography and film: Christian Back